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SERENE FORM represents intelligent technology that trains your brain to respond minimally to stress while you enjoy captivating movies. It steps in when your anxiety reactions become overwhelming, gradually curbing your body's stress response.

Think of it as your personal coach, meticulously guiding you to optimal outcomes without requiring your active involvement.

SERENE FORM frequently serves as a drug-free alternative, streamlining the psychotherapist's workload by minimizing routine tasks. This approach, known as Biofeedback Therapy, enjoys broad endorsement from specialists in the field of neuropsychology.
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So, what exactly does SERENE FORM do?

We live in a world full of stress triggers – it's just the reality. Stress is like your body's alarm system, getting ready for action when something external happens unexpectedly. Your blood vessels tighten up, your heart speeds up, and your blood pressure goes up – all to give your muscles a quick boost of oxygen in case of danger. But here's the bad part: if those stress triggers keep coming, your body's natural reactions can turn from normal to problematic. That's where SERENE FORM shines.
This smart tech helps your brain and body find a better balance. It steps in when your reactions are over the top and gently guides them back to a safer range. Imagine it's like a friendly coach making sure you don't overdo it at the gym.
And how does it do that? Through a method called "operant conditioning" – it's like a training program for your brain.

Step 1: The device on your arm is like a stress detector. It notices when you're feeling stressed – similarly to a lie detector, but it's not trying to catch you in a fib. Instead, it's helping your brain learn to keep calm when stress comes around.

Take a look at the image on the right. The graphs give you examples of signals that the SERENE FORM device picks up from two different individuals. These signals seem like spontaneous blips, not caused by any specific thing we do. They show all the small and big ups and downs in our emotional state.


In Fig. "A," you've got a person who's feeling pretty calm – no big signs of stress or anxiety. The signal levels are mostly low, with just a few small ups and downs around an average mean.


Now, in Fig. "B," things are a bit different. This person is dealing with prolonged stress and extra anxiety. The signal levels are higher, and there are volatile swings up and down – you can see these clear jumps in emotional tension.


So, the goal is to help the person in Fig. "B" get back to a state more like Fig. "A." We want to smooth out those aggressive deviations and bring the signal levels down. 

Step 2: Think of this as training your brain, much like teaching a mouse not to go to a certain spot in its cage (Fig. 5). At first, the mouse roamed freely (Fig. 5-A), but after it got zapped in one corner (Fig. 5-B), it learned to avoid that area. Your brain is kind of like that mouse, learning to steer clear of excessive stress reactions.


And here's the kicker: SERENE FORM uses movies as rewards. When things are going well, you get to watch your movie on your smartphone or tablet – that's the thumbs-up. But when stress reactions are too much, the screen goes dark for a bit – that's the time-out.


Have a look at Fig. 2 for a sneak peek. The dark parts on the graph are when SERENE FORM says, "Whoa, brain, that's too much stress." So, the movie pauses – a little "time-out." But when everything's calm (those green lines), the movie keeps playing – that's the thumbs-up.


To track your progress, the SERENE FORM app has a test built in – the Spielberger Situational Anxiety Test.


Take it before your first session, then again after a few sessions. The app will show your progress on a graph, highlighting how your stress levels changed and how anxiety improved through your training sessions.

And guess what? If you're a parent, this technology isn't just for you. It's perfect for your kid too. Just pick movies that match their age – cartoons, teen series, or comedies. SERENE FORM is the perfect stress-coach for your child as well.


SERENE FORM will aid you in conquering anxiety and, of utmost significance, safeguard your health against the detrimental impacts of chronic stress.



I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.

+1 619-208-4614

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